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Emotional Wellness

Relaxation Practice & Techniques

Learning relaxation technique can help you restore your body to its natural state when you are feeling stressed and has the potential to make you more resilient to the stresses you may face in the future.  It also supports a faster recovery from any stressors you find yourself reacting to.


Having a structured plan for practicing relaxation techniques increases the likelihood of actively practicing.  Intentional relaxation and stress reduction require active practice, your skills will get stronger over time.


It helps to have a plan because you can learn to use strategies that are most effective, not just familiar.


Learning a new technique in the middle of a crisis is similar to learning how to swim in the middle of the ocean.  Learning strategies and becoming familiar with them in a less stressful environment allows you to strengthen your skills, when the time comes to rely on those skills, they will feel more familiar and more readily available.

Strategies for calming the body during stressful situations

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